May 07, 2020 文学城:退休账户(retirement-account) 个人退休账户是一种个人自愿的投资性退休帐户,这是一个以退休账户为话题的讨论平台,了解与分享世界各地关于个人退休账户的最新政策,了解关于退休账户的注意事项,分享与建议,咨询与交流,信息共 … Executive Summary. Since the income limits on Roth conversions were removed in 2010, higher-income individuals who are not eligible to make a Roth IRA contribution have been able to make an indirect "backdoor Roth contribution" instead, by simply contributing to a non-deductible IRA (which can always be done regardless of income) and converting it shortly thereafter. This seems great, but doesn't point out that if there's existing IRA's (from rollovers, other deductible or non-deductible) some or all of conversion would be taxable. e.g. if one had $100,000 in a rollover already (deductible), and did a $5k contribution (non-deductible) and immediately rolled it over to a ROTH, the tax free ratio is about 4.8% (5,000 non-deductible basis divided by
从传统的IRA提款时,您需要支付税款,但在Roth IRA的情况下,只要满足某些要求,就无需为缴款或收入提税。 通常,从任何类型的合格退休帐户(如IRA和401(k)计划)提早提取(在59½岁之前)都将处以10%的罚款,以及应缴纳的任何所得税,尽管有一些例外情况规则。
开设Roth IRA 用的是税后的钱,但以后产生的gain永远不需要交income tax。但是开设Roth IRA还是有收入限制, 按照2015年IRS的规定,AGI在18万3千以下可以全额开设Roth IRA, 在18万3和19万3之间,可以部分放钱, 若AGI超过19万1则phase-out,不可以开设Roth IRA。 Executive Summary. Since the income limits on Roth conversions were removed in 2010, higher-income individuals who are not eligible to make a Roth IRA contribution have been able to make an indirect “backdoor Roth contribution” instead, by simply contributing to a non-deductible IRA (which can always be done regardless of income) and converting it shortly thereafter. 标 题: 大家都是在哪开的Traditional IRA 和 Roth IRA账户? 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jan 16 07:51:40 2018, 美东) fidelity vanguard两个都有,比较喜欢fidelity的界面和分析。但是有一个不好的地 方是传统ira钱到账 以后必须等满整整4天才能做后门roth。不小心可能就忘了。 401k和IRA (individual retirement account) 是美国民众管理退休金的两个最常用的账户。401k由公司提供,只要你是公司雇员即可参与。非盈利组织,例如学校会提供类似的福利,叫做403b plan。 本文用401k统指401k和…
Note also, if you have assets in a Designated Roth Account (i.e., Roth 401(k)) and would like to roll these to an IRA, the assets must be rolled into a Roth IRA. As with Traditional IRA conversions to Roth IRAs, if you are required to take an RMD in the year you roll over into an IRA, you must take it before rolling over your assets. Backdoor Roth: A Complete How-To. posted on July 20, 2016. In October 2012, I opened a rollover IRA at E*Trade and transfered $100K from my Federal 401(k) to this IRA (all funds as yet untaxed). In November 2012, I opened a Roth IRA with the same broker and rolled over all funds in the traditional IRA (now increased to $101K) into the Roth. This seems great, but doesn’t point out that if there’s existing IRA’s (from rollovers, other deductible or non-deductible) some or all of conversion would be taxable. e.g. if one had $100,000 in a rollover already (deductible), and did a $5k contribution (non-deductible) and immediately rolled it over to a ROTH, the tax free ratio is about 4.8% (5,000 non-deductible basis divided by 标 题: Re: 求助 - 后门Roth IRA - 好后悔搞这个! 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 7 22:28:49 2017, 美东) 你好啊,majiaknight,我觉得你对IRA ROTH IRA很了解。 你能否推荐一些入门级的读物或者链接吗? 我想学习一下。不太了解各个名词以及如何操作之间的关系。 与传统的ira不同,roth ira的主要优点是您不必为退休时提取的钱缴纳所得税。如果您的收入超过了irs设置的限制,则您无法向罗斯ira缴款,则可以将传统的ira转换为罗斯,这一过程有时被称为“后门罗斯ira”。 Roth IRA的非配偶继承人可以在继承这个账户的五年后把里面的钱全部取出来,也可以选择按照IRS的规定每年从里面取一个最小部分,这样可以获得终生的税后收入。 5, 高收入者 有一个' 后门 ' 进入 高收入者 通常不能直接往 Roth IRA 里面放钱 。
Aug 12, 2015 How To Report Backdoor Roth In TurboTax - The Finance Buff This seems great, but doesn’t point out that if there’s existing IRA’s (from rollovers, other deductible or non-deductible) some or all of conversion would be taxable. e.g. if one had $100,000 in a rollover already (deductible), and did a $5k contribution (non-deductible) and immediately rolled it over to a ROTH, the tax free ratio is about 4.8% (5,000 non-deductible basis divided by 大家都是在哪开的Traditional IRA 和 Roth IRA账户? - 未名空 …
Executive Summary. Since the income limits on Roth conversions were removed in 2010, higher-income individuals who are not eligible to make a Roth IRA contribution have been able to make an indirect "backdoor Roth contribution" instead, by simply contributing to a non-deductible IRA (which can always be done regardless of income) and converting it shortly thereafter.
Backdoor Roth: A Complete How-To. posted on July 20, 2016. In October 2012, I opened a rollover IRA at E*Trade and transfered $100K from my Federal 401(k) to this IRA (all funds as yet untaxed). In November 2012, I opened a Roth IRA with the same broker and rolled over all funds in the traditional IRA (now increased to $101K) into the Roth. 个人退休账户是一种个人自愿的投资性退休帐户,这是一个以退休账户为话题的讨论平台,了解与分享世界各地关于个人退休账户的最新政策,了解关于退休账户的注意事项,分享与建议,咨询与交流,信息共享与互助。